It took 33 hours! 33 hours of traveling from the time I left my house till the moment I arrived at the Wawasawa Centre in Savusavu, Fiji.

Yeap! When you want it bad enough, you’ll travel even farther distances. I was heading to graduate from The Anthony Robbins Mastery University, of course, right after completing The Life and Wealth Mastery program. And let me tell you, the view wasn’t too bad on the eyes either (see for yourself).

Before I ramble nonstop about Fiji I want to share an update about delivering my blogs to you, now, on a weekly basis (somewhat shorter but way sweeter). Most importantly I will be sharing exciting free lifestyle lessons and motivational tips and amazing coaching deals in my NEWSLETTERS! Woooooo Hooooooo! Yes, you heard me right. I have newsletters now. So make sure you sign up and pass it on to those whom you think may be interested and benefit from such things as improving their lives! 😀

Ok here we go:

Upon arrival we were given information about the cleanse we were about to experience during Life Mastery, the services and activities we’d enjoy during our stay (oh yeah!), and climbing and jumping off a 60 feet pole on day one! Say WHAAAAAT??? You mean it didn’t end with walking on fire?!

When Tony says “total immersion” he is not kidding around. You have to play the game of life full out so you’d be able to experience everything deep enough to breakthrough, learn the most, and move ahead. If you have attended any of his seminars you’d know during the first few hours that you are:

a) Attending one of the most intense life classes ever while breakthroughs pop out left, right, and center

b) Your “life will never be the same again”! Ain’t that right, Team Tony? 😀 and,

c) Your biggest support systems are your teammates from all over the world whom you’ve just met and you’ll be friends for life.

I met over 90 new amazing friends on day one whom made my climb and jump even more unforgettable. Nothing but love.

My take from the pole experience:

The climbing and the jumping off the pole symbolized my view and approach towards my challenges. I memorized the steps to standing on top of the pole just by watching a few others before me. What I did not anticipate was how quickly fear set into me when I began climbing the pole. My heart was pounding right out of my chest but I kept telling myself: “Go, go, go!” while hearing the cheers of my teammates in the background, climbing higher and higher up.

It was the road to the unknown that I feared, not the unknown itself. I’ve learned that during the journey I must enjoy every moment, every turn, and every step even more before I get to the top for the big celebration.

Watch here how it all really went down, or in this case, up and down!

This was just the beginning. The following 9 days were about to unfold crazier life changing and many more fantastic experiences in Savusavu, Fiji…

What adventures or activities have you tackled lately in which your approach symbolized how you deal with everyday challenges?

See you next week.

Once you read the blogs and the newsletters please leave your comments and questions in the comment boxes under the blogs. I will be reading and responding to every single one of them personally.  Remember your questions and comments help others as well. You never know who else is reading them and can benefit from your words. Thank you for being part of the progress.