When I was in pre-kindergarten I sang this song along with the whole class:

“If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)…If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)..If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it…If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap) …”

I’ve been clapping all along since then!

This month the question of “what defines happiness and/or how can I find it?” has come up way too many times amongst some of my clients and friends so I’m going to touch on it the way I see it.

Many search for happiness in the ever after and miss out on the happiness in the NOW. Concentrating on the future and worrying about the past has been a main reason to skip happy present moments. If you miss it now, you won’t be happy in the future – you’d be looking back thinking: “I should’ve been happy about …!” Doesn’t look like much of a happy past either, does it?

There are a few who know it’s out there and others are living it and are pretty sure if they search hard enough they can find it too. It’s a familiar term and yet so far away. I’ve seen some worried looks with dismay asking whether I’d be able to help them find it someday somewhere soon. Clapping secretly (ha ha!), I assure them saying: “It’s in you, here and now. We’ll find it, lock it in and make it yours forever” and help them look in the right direction of IN and not OUT.

You know why some can’t feel it within them? Their happiness depends on comparison of others’ lifestyles and choices: what they have or not as opposed to staying within the lines of their own means, wants and needs and bettering and besting themselves.

If you really NEED to compare, do it with the lives of those less fortunate to learn appreciation: a main key. It opens a big door. Who knows, you might suddenly learn that the less fortunate (for one, materialistically speaking), could lead a VERY happy life!  That would be a hard kick in the buttocks, wouldn’t it?!

Delve into your moments, savor and enjoy, and be sure to “clap” when you know you are in them: That’s happiness.

Photo: Crazy clapping Tandar!  Some people have that effect on me!

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