It’s a tough subject I’m about to tackle here!


Because everyone has a different passion for different things.

So I’ll tell you a story to help you, hopefully, find yours if you haven’t already.

Over this past beautiful sunny weekend, myself and three other amazing ladies, sat in a hotel conference room from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday, interviewing young candidates for qualification of receiving a grant to pursue a higher education.

Neekoo is the name of our foundation ( and I’m very proud to be part of it since the very first day we established it four years ago. We raise funds to help youth complete their secondary education for a fair and well deserved chance at a fulfilled life.

It’s a very rewarding experience and that’s why we gladly chose to sit in the room all day instead of being outside on a sunny day.

But that’s not where the really good stuff begins.

This part is:
The first part of the day we interviewed the new candidates: our new hopefuls sitting in front a “jury” explaining why they deserve a chance to pursue their dreams.

It’s a very powerful and an emotional awakening experience listening to their stories and what has led them to that room.

It’s what I refer to as overcoming your deepest fears to get yourself to your dreams.

However, what I didn’t expect to experience that day happened during the second half of our day as we began interviewing our returning students for another year of supporting their ongoing education until graduation.

One at a time, they all shared the same emotions: confidence, smiles, gratitude, and most importantly glowing with hope.

It was a very different vibe than the years past.

Something major had shifted within them.

They all carried the same message: “I finally found out what I REALLY want to do with my life!”

They had found their purpose: the very defined version of it too!

Keep in mind that most of them had not figured out the details of their upcoming journey or what other paths they were about to encounter but they just knew the most important part of it all: their purpose.

They knew what they were passionate about and their mission was as bright as the day we were interviewing them.

It came to me in that moment that when you have (or given) hope, you are already half way there in finding your purpose in life and the reason for being “here”.

The other half is what you DO with that moment of hope.

Do you sweep it under the rug, come up with reasons and excuses why you can’t, or do you see it as a second, third, fourth, fifth chance in life and finally take a step?

These students walked in that room in the years past, fearful and unsure of what may or may not happen, only sure that they do not want their fears and pains run their lives.

They made a decision, took charge, and followed up with their actions.

Now my question for you is:

How bad do you wanna serve your purpose?

Do you know what you’re passionate about?

Are you willing to give up your fears to find these answers?

Take those steps no matter how small, dark or scary the spot you’re sitting in.

The steps will lead you there.

Please leave your comments and answers in the comment boxes under the questions. Remember, you can help others as someone in need may be reading them and can benefit from your words. Thank you for being part of the progress.