It’s getting closer and closer. Sometimes I feel like I should hold my breath till I’m physically there, sitting and waiting for Tony to walk on stage. Ok, I’m not going to hold my breath as that would just kill me but I’m super duper excited and a bit scared and anxious at the same time. This will not only change a lot for me but it will help me change a lot for others on a daily basis. This is BIG. I’ve already completed Personal Power, Personal Power II, Intimacy and Relationships programs and pretty much anything I could get my hands on! I have Ultimate Edge waiting for me for when I come back and have one of Tony’s coaches standing by to keep me in “shape”! You think I’m ready???

I’ll give you the real deal when I get back so for now I’ll just give you a recap of the last two weeks or so and what has been leading up to “my moment”.

I started running again 4 days ago after a month and half of resting. The lactic acid build up is hurting like a B*tch! That’s funny because I didn’t completely go without exercise as I attended my girlfriend’s Zumba class, walked a LOT, took the stairs at any chance, jump-roped (if that even is a verb!), did some planks and squats, etc. and yet my muscles are screaming! Goes to show how hardcore I was before I stopped. Unfortunately, I am addicted to the “runner’s high” and don’t consider any other activity fully satisfactory. When I upgraded my rain gear the excitement of all the shiny new things woke up my senses and off I went for my first one after the break. If you’re exhausted, take the time off temporarily knowing that you will go back to the things you love doing. It makes all the difference in the world. I do that twice a year, once after summer days are over and once before spring fully blooms.

I renewed my Edge Card and all ready for Blackcombe upon my return. I also have a line up of guys wanting to beat me out there since I’ve challenged them eagerly. Loud-mouthing is not going to help me up there or maybe it will, if I smile!

I threw myself a big birthday party with a coconut cake and had a blast! 73 fun and wonderful friends attended and made it extra super special. The next day, a very dear friend said: “Tandar I was watching you closely and thinking you really live and love life without prejudice of age, race, religion, etc. Nothing stops you from enjoying one moment and moving to the next. You take action on all the fuzzy quotes people put up on Facebook”! It was all I needed to hear on a hung-over Sunday! Thank you.

All my business affairs are in order and have talked to most of my loved ones before take off. My closest friends know that I’m a “freak” that way and laugh at my funny ways. Even when I go away for only a couple of days, I say goodbye to all. You know why? Because I love receiving the “hello”s and the “welcome back”s. Hee Hee.

I’m about to embark on a very deep journey. Date with Destiny, Tony says, is not a trip but a journey. A trip is what you can predict and plan out but this is totally unpredictable of what you will learn and take back with you. The unknown awaits me.

See you soon again in December. In the meantime, keep warm, dry and happy!