I needed silence. I prepared myself for a silent, calm, and yet festive month welcoming spring with open wide arms. You think I got it? I did…but in a very loud environment!

Sometimes when we need something, we set up the journey and take the according actions to carry it through just to realize that only the end goal requires our planning and focus. As for the journey, we need to set it free and let it take its own direction as long as it gets us there.

March was a very busy month (as you can see I’m writing its blog in April!!).

Here’s a list of some of my adventures:

I kick started the month with an amazing week long trip to NYC with my father, a world renowned sculptor, attending organized events and parties in his honor as well as the Gala at The Metropolitan Museum of Art where one of his works was auctioned by Christie’s to be displayed at the museum. (Photo: Dad & I dancing beneath the Temple of Dendur!!). TEMPLE OF DENDUR: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART

Once back from the Big Apple, while overcoming a hardcore flu, I was juggling to spend time with my sister visiting after almost a year and catching up with work, skiing, yoga, running, flamenco dancing, spending time with friends and family, attending birthday parties, preparing for the celebration of the Persian New Year, helping dad and sis for their upcoming trip, saying goodbye to dad, saying goodbye to sis, saying hello and welcoming dear friends visiting and still continuing to say hello to other great friends coming to town and did I mention working, and exercising and getting over yet another cold?!!!

Here is the catch: I found silence in the midst of it all! I found time to linger in each of these moments as fast as they were happening, one after another and everything else in between. In the midst of all the noise I was centered with calm, happiness and joy cherishing it all instead of being overwhelmed. I realized I was splurging every minute instead of trying to save time.

I commend all the credit for this awareness to my experiences in January and mostly February. I said I wasn’t sure what I had attained from all the occurring sad events but here it is: A very loud silence.